Legal notice

The corporate website Terms and Conditions of Use as of 2024/04/25

The website hereinafter referred to as “” is published by Oney Bank S.A. with a capital of €71,801,205 – registered with the Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register under B 546 380 197, hereinafter referred to as Oney.

Registered office: 34, Avenue de Flandre 59170 Croix.
Responsible editor: Jean-Pierre Charles, CEO
Host: Microsoft West Europe
Website creation: Oney Bank

Article 1 - Purpose

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to define and determine the terms under which the website’s services are provided, and their use by any person who connects to the site, hereinafter referred to as “the User”.

Article 2 - Information provided by website

2.1. Information provided by site is for information purposes only. The User accepts full responsibility for any transactions they initiate and the consequences of these, and under no circumstances may they hold Oney liable.

2.2. The general structure, text, images (animated or otherwise), information, press releases and any other components of website are the property of Oney and can only be used by the User for information purposes and personal use. Under no circumstances may the User modify, copy or reproduce, whether partially or entirely, the content and information communicated by the site, or send them by electronic or other means to the public, in particular for commercial purposes, without Oney’s prior express authorisation.

2.3. It is up to the User to take the necessary precautions against viruses and other harmful elements which may be introduced onto site, in particular when downloading or selecting these pages.

Article 3 - Confidentiality

3.1. Oney is bound by professional secrecy. Its staff are under a legal obligation not to reveal any confidential information of which they may be aware. However, when the law so provides, professional secrecy cannot be invoked against the persons or organisations targeted by said law, in particular the supervisory authorities.

3.2. The User expressly authorises Oney to keep any information collected about them on the website in computer memory, and to use it to fulfil its legal and regulatory obligations.

Article 4 - Intellectual property

The overall structure of website, as well as the text, graphics, images, sounds and videos that make it up, are the property of Oney or its partners. Any partial or total representation and/or reproduction and/or exploitation of the content or services offered by the website, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written consent of Oney and/or its partners is strictly prohibited and may constitute an infringement within the meaning of Articles L 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. Failure to comply with this rule may constitute an act of counterfeiting liable to criminal sanction. In accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, any use of the content or components that make up the website is only authorised for strictly personal purposes.

Failure to comply with this rule may constitute an act of counterfeiting liable to criminal sanction. In accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, any use of the content or components that make up the website is only authorised for strictly personal purposes.

Article 5 - Liability

5.1. With the exception of direct material damage, Oney can in no way be held liable for damages, losses or harm – financial or otherwise – resulting from a fault or incorrect processing of operations carried out by the User via website including, but not limited to, loss of chance and all intangible damages.

5.2. Oney’s liability – limited to direct material damage, to the exclusion of all other damage – can only be sought if it is clearly established that said damage is attributable to Oney.

5.3. Oney cannot be held liable for any service interruption related to the transport of information or to the User’s computer system, or any other technical failure.

Article 6 - Hypertext links

The creation of a hypertext link to website requires prior authorisation from Oney. In this case, you can contact the editorial manager. Once authorisation has been granted, a hypertext link can be created for various media, with the exception of those disseminating information of a political, religious, pornographic or xenophobic nature or which may offend the wider public as a whole, or those that are contrary to the legal and regulatory provisions in force.

In this regard, Oney reserves the right to object to the creation of any link without its consent and which may damage its image, its business, its values or its reputation without prejudice to any prosecution. The creation of a hypertext link accepted by Oney must be done in an full window.

In the spirit of the internet, links to other websites are provided for information purposes only, and Oney can not be held liable either for the content or modifications made to it, for their operating methods or for any difficulty of access. If the managers of a “target” website wish to modify their presence on this website, they can make the request by emailing the following address:

Article 7 - Interruption of services

7.1. Oney strives to allow access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure or an event beyond Oney’s control, and subject to any breakdowns or maintenance operations necessary for the proper functioning of the site and services.

In addition, Oney may have to interrupt the website or part of the services at any time without notice, all without the right to compensation. The User acknowledges and accepts that Oney is not responsible for such interruptions, and the potential consequences for the User or any third party.

7.2 As such, we cannot guarantee that the operation of the website will continue uninterrupted and free from any error. We are only bound by an obligation of due care with regard to the functioning and continuity of the service. We cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of our site, regardless of the cause; in particular, we cannot be held responsible for the alteration or fraudulent access to data and/or accidental transmission through the virus service. Similarly, we cannot be held liable for events of force majeure, where breakdowns and technical problems concerning hardware, software or the internet could potentially lead to suspension or cessation of service.

Article 8 - Amendment of the terms and conditions of use

Particularly given the possible extensions and improvements made to the Consumer Division, Oney reserves the right to adapt or modify the fields of the services offered on website at any time.

Article 9 - Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by French law. Any dispute relating to the interpretation or performance of the Terms and Conditions and/or the use of website will be brought exclusively before French courts within the jurisdiction of the Lille Métropole Commercial Court.