Error Handling
Last update: December 20, 2023
Return code
All API endpoints that are in this document may return the following codes:
Return codes | Status | Meaning | Description |
200 | OK | Success | The request was correct, so the returned message contains the response message |
400 | KO | Bad Request | Mandatory parameter is missing. For example: Header X-Oney-Authorization is missing. |
401 | KO | Unauthorized. | Unauthorized request. |
403 | KO | Forbidden | Invalid API KEY or API quota exceeded. |
404 | KO | Not Found | The API does not exist, unknown command. |
408 | KO | Request Time-out | Execution period of the service is too long. |
409 | KO | Conflict | The external reference must be unique. |
429 | KO | Too Many Requests | Rate limit is reached. |
499 | KO | Client Closed Request | Your time out is too short. We have set our time out to 10 secondes |
500 | KO | Internal Server Error | Failed to process the request. |
503 | KO | Service Unavailable | Service is not available. |
504 | KO | Gateway Timeout |
Errors format
When a HTTP 400 code is returned, the nature of the errors (functional errors only) encountered on each of the fields will be returned in the following form :
Open API specification
Error: type: object description: 'Object containing data regarding the error' properties: language_code: type: string description: Language code in [ISO 639-1]( format maxLength: 2 error_list: type: array description: The list of error details. items: type: object description: The error details. properties: error: description: An error detail. type: object properties: field: type: string description: The error detail value (the element in the request that lead to an error). maxLength: 100 error_code: type: string description: The error detail code. maxLength: 10 error_label: type: string description: The error detail message. maxLength: 1000
Exemple of error returned
{ "language_code": "EN", "error_list": [ { "error": { "field": "purchase.external_reference_type", "error_code": "ERR_02", "error_label": "Field size must be less than 128 characters" } } ] }
Description of error list
Service Payment
Error code | Error label | HTTP CODE |
ERR_01 | The field is mandatory | 400 |
ERR_02 | Field size must be less than %s characters | 400 |
ERR_03 | Field format is invalid %s | 400 |
ERR_03 | The customer email doesn't exist, is full or isn't responding | 400 |
ERR_04 | Field value is invalid %s | 400 |
ERR_05 | The limits of a business transaction are exceeded | 400 |
ERR_06 | A business transaction does not have the right type | 400 |
ERR_07 | Application processing failure | 400 |
ERR_07 | No business transaction code or version in database: Business transaction not transmitted for a route with fallback and not parameterized in database | 400 |
ERR_07 | Problem setting up the journey | 400 |
ERR_07 | JSON deserialization problem | 400 |
ERR_10 | The external reference is already used for another file. | 409 |
ERR_19 | Failure to process request: Unknown brand name | 409 |
ERR_23 | The field type is not compatible with the one passed in parameter | 400 |
ERR_25 | Mandatory field Loyalty barcode not filled in | 400 |
ERR_25 | Only if the merchant is set up to use loyalty | 400 |
ERR_26 | A file already exists with the same references and creation date | 400 |
Service Confirm
Error code | Error label | HTTP CODE |
ERR_05 | Mandatory URL Reference field not filled in | 400 |
ERR_06 | The mandatory Merchant Guid field is empty. | 400 |
ERR_07 | Failure to process request | 400 |
ERR_09 | The scoach file associated with the reference does not exist. | 404 |
ERR_13 | The amount must be less than or equal to that initially recorded | 409 |
ERR_19 | Failure to process request | 500 |
ERR_23 | The field type is not compatible with the one passed in parameter | 400 |
Service Cancel
Error code | Error label | HTTP CODE |
ERR_05 | Mandatory URL Reference field not filled in | 400 |
ERR_06 | The mandatory Merchant Guid field is empty. | 400 |
ERR_07 | Failure to process request | 500 |
ERR_09 | The scoach file associated with the reference does not exist. | 404 |
ERR_13 | The amount must be less than or equal to that initially recorded | 409 |
ERR_17 | File status does not allow cancellation request to be processed | 409 |
ERR_18 | The service is not available. | 503 |
ERR_18 | Problem when calling simulation service | 503 |
ERR_19 | Failed to process request. | 500 |
ERR_20 | Payment is in a state that does not allow cancellation | 409 |
ERR_23 | The field type is not compatible with the one passed in parameter | 400 |
Service Get_status
Error code | Error label | HTTP CODE |
ERR_05 | Mandatory URL Reference field not filled in | 400 |
ERR_06 | Mandatory field merchant_guid is empty | 400 |
ERR_07 | Failure to process request. | 500 |
ERR_09 | The scoach file associated with the reference does not exist. | 404 |
API marketing
Error code | Error label | Root cause | HTTP CODE |
700 | It is not possible to produce a simulation from the given elements. | Invalid business transaction code | 400 |