Project Launch

Last update: November 22, 2023

Once the partnership is established, we launch the integration project. Our business developers are surrounded by a technical team and project managers to support you at each step of your integration. In the meantime, we set up your staging accounts.

Welcome call

At Oney, we want you to feel supported, so we organise a meeting, at the first stage, to bring together the stakeholders in the projects, in order to:

  • get to know each other
  • remind you of the different steps
  • the respective availability for time management
  • present the data to be shared
  • present our customer journeys
  • define the requirements of the people in charge

It is also an opportunity to ask questions that have not been addressed so far.

Basecamp: our communication tool

Basecamp is our tool to communicate and share information with you during the whole integration process. Basecamp will bring everyone together on the same platform, you will always be in contact with the person in charge and everyone involved will be aware of the current topic.

If you want to discover Basecamp, here is the link to their website: (link to Master the Basecamp Basics).

You will then receive a link to your dedicated space by e-mail at the beginning of your integration.

Good to know:

  • It is one basecamp per country, also if you have a site with multiple countries, you will have as many basecamps to configure and test.
  • You will receive an e-mail to access to it. If you did not receive it, at this stage, contact us, we will invite you.

Into your basecamp, into the file section, you will have access to:

  • Your credentials
  • Your Business Transactions list
  • Our technical documentation
  • Our test book
  • Our marketing book
  • Some credit card numbers to complete the test
  • Our CRP procedure

You can access to a conversation and answer.

You can also create a new conversation, but be careful, choose a good title.

Final, as into your mailbox, you will be able to share files with us. It will be added into the files section.

Direct integration phase

You have chosen to integrate our services directly without going through a PSP or CMS, so let's start the different workshops that can be conducted in parallel.

Marketing Integration

The customer journey is an important element. The aim is not only to give customers access to credit, but to increase the total amount of the average basket.

That is why the customer must be informed about financial services Oney throughout his journey: banners and credit simulation on the product and checkout pages.

We invite you to instal our widgets, it will simplify the integration and you will not have to manage the updates.

However, if you want total control over the design, all you need to do is integrate our Marketing API and the elements to be displayed on your site, using our Front-end Guidlines.

Payment API

The payment part must also be integrated in the same time as the marketing part.

Our Payment API allows to call up the Oney Payment Form where the customer can fill in the information necessary to complete his order.

Once the order is placed, through our Payment API, you execute other calls such as:

  • Request Oney order status
  • Confirm a shipment
  • Partially Cancel an order
  • Totally cancel an order

Our API technical documentation, will give you all the details of our API.

Error Handling

As with any API, errors can occur. Whether it is a failed confirm, network unavailability, or an unexpected error, your system must handle these errors gracefully. Our API will return a 200 HTTP response status code in case of success. Any 4xx or 5xx HTTP response status code should be appropriately handled - our API provides means to recover from such errors.

You can check the list of possible errors on the API explorer.

4xx HTTP status error codes

HTTP status codes starting with a 4 indicate a Client error, as so, 4xx HTTP status codes will happen mostly because of missing parameters, failed authentication, or invalid data provided on the request. It can also be the case that the request limit has been reached - in that case, a 429 error code will be returned. Any 4xx error will contain a JSON response with a description of the error so that it can be analyzed and fixed.

5xx HTTP status error codes

HTTP status codes starting with a 5 indicate an unexpected Server error. Although rare, these can happen and must be handled gracefully by your system. To address these, our API provides endpoints to check the status of a contract. So, whenever an unexpected error occurs, your system should wait a few moments, check the contract status, and, if necessary, repeat the request. For example, if one confirm call failed because of a 5xx error, your system should be able to get the contract status and repeat the confirm if needed. If the error persists, contact Oney's teams for further support.

Accounting & CRP

The CRP is our Oney payment report , where we inform you regarding the financing flow. It allows you to make your bank reconciliation.

You will find all the information into our Oney payment report (named CRP) documentation.


For each workshop, we will validate with you that everything works properly.

Marketing validation

Simply, send us, via your Basecamp, the screenshot of your website for each step of a customer Journey with Oney financing. You can also give us access to your staging site.

We validate the graphical implementation to make sure that all the elements are well displayed, and we control the respect of our charter and Terms & Conditions.

Test on payment

Several test cases must be done to check if the process order is working well, through our API. It ensures that we offer quality service to your customers and to detect possible issue (delivery to the store, order cancellation, etc.).

In your basecamp, you should have received our test book corresponding to the country you are testing, in which you are asked to:

  • place orders
  • confirm deliveries, according to your different shipping modes
  • partially or totally cancel some order

You send us back the purchase/external_reference and we check in our systems that everything is in conformity, without any bugs.

Case 1 - Quality tests

  • The mobile phone: the mobile phone number must be provided and respect the international format
  • Billing and delivery addresses: Customers must have both Billing and Delivery addresses located in the country of the merchant site. The Billing address cannot be empty
  • Age: A customer can make an order if its age is between 18 and 75
  • Postal code: the format of the postal code of the country must be respected
  • Order amount: The order amount must be within your Business Transaction ranges

Case 2 - Standard delivery

  • You should send an order with 2 different products in it
  • The billing and the delivery addresses must be the same
  • The Street name should be cut and distributed on different lines if it has more than 38 characters.

Case 3 and 4 - Pickup and Go and/or Instore Delivery and/or Standard Delivery with different billing and delivery addresses

These orders should be done with an amount above 800€. You are doing the test only for the shipping modes you have.

  1. If the Pickup and Go Delivery option is available, then make this test with the Pickup point address for the Delivery.
  2. If the Instore Delivery option is available, then make this test with the Instore point address for the Delivery.
  3. If you have both options available, then make one test per option.
  4. If you do not have any of the above options, do this test on a standard delivery, with a different billing address than the delivery address.

Case 5 and 6 - Cancellation tests

The total cancellation test must be done after the order has been confirmed.

Accounting training

We will invite you to a training session to understand the accounting part.

At the end of this session, our financial flow management and the associated documents will no longer hold any secrets for you.

Qualifications reports (PV)

The project is finally validated by Oney on a report: our Qualification Report (commonly called PV).

In this report, if all the tests, the front-end and training are done and validated, your signature of acceptance is required and end the integration phase. We used the Docusign tool which allows electronic signature.

Then, we post the Production package on the basecamp with your production keys (secured access). You have previously sent your company information (IBAN included) to set up your production account.

All those involved in the project will receive an email informing them that the production environment is working.

Good to know!

Production package will not be sent on Friday (or the day before a public holiday) because our desk is not available on the weekend to help you.

After-sales meeting

We will invite you to our last meeting before going live, to exchange regarding our after-sales processes and confirm our respective contact e-mails.