Functional information

Last update: August 3, 2023

Bank Transfers

You can choose the frequency of the bank transfers. It can be daily, weekly, or monthly.

Negative transfers

The amount of cancellation for the period chosen can sometimes be greater than the amount of purchases. This will lead to negative transfers.

Credit transfer/Direct debit Mode

If you chose the Credit transfer/Direct debit mode, this negative transfer will become a direct debit. The reference of the direct debit will be displayed instead of the transfer ID.

Clearing mode

If you chose the clearing mode, the amount due to Oney will be held and deducted from the next sales. To this end, a transfer ID will be "reserved", which means that the concerned lines will be sent in the payment report with the future transfer ID that will be due when the amount becomes positive again.


Day D:
    Purchases: 100 euros
    Cancellations: 150 euros
Lines will appear in the payment report with Transfer Id 1 but nothing in the bank.

Day D+1: Cancellations: 75 euros
Lines will appear in the payment report with Transfer Id 1 but nothing in the bank.

Day D+2: Purchases: 300 euros
Lines will appear in the payment report with Transfer Id 1 and the amount in the bank of this transfer is 175 euros

The transfer ID is justified by all the lines sent in the 3 payment report.

Matching Transfers – Oney Payment Reports

The same reference will be in columns Transfer_ID and Transfer_ID_2. It can also be found in several consecutive CRP files, in particular in the event of a negative transfer in clearing mode (see detail above).

Supply of parts 2 and 3 depending on the management case

Type of transactionPayment amountTransfer_IdPayment amount_2Transfer_Id_2Detail
3x4xAmount of the depositBank transfer Id for the depositAmount of the fundingBank transfer Id for the fundingTransfer_Id = Transfer_Id_2
Total refund
Amount of the deposit refundedBank transfer Id for the refundAmount of the funding refundedBank transfer Id for the refundTransfer_Id = Transfer_Id_2
Partial refund which impact only the funding
Amount of the partial refundBank transfer Id for the funding
Partial refund which impact only the deposit
Amount of the partial refundBank transfer Id for the refund
Partial refund which impact the deposit and the refund
Amount of the partial refund linked to the depositBank transfer Id for the refundAmount of the partial refund linked to the fundingBank transfer Id for the refundTransfer_Id = Transfer_Id_2
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