Technical information about Oney financial report

Last update: April 4, 2024

Payment report details

The first line corresponds to the column titles since it contains a spreadsheet. the text can be in French or English, the language being chosen when configuring the file.

The other lines provide the details of each transaction, therefore one transaction per line.

In the following board, column title = field name

Field nameTypeLenMandatory/OptionalDescription
PR_TypeString3MCA: Payment with an Oney card
FIN: Funding with an Oney card, split payment, paylater
REG: Regularization
IS_cancelString1MY for Cancellation
N for Purchase
Merchant_guidString100MGlobal Unique Identifier of the merchant
PSP_guidString100OGlobal Unique Identifier of the PSP
Merchant_nameString50MName of the merchant
Purchase_dateString10OFormat : DD/MM/YYYY
Unfilled only if PR_type = REG and IS_cancel = Y
Purchase_hourString8OFormat : HH:MM:SS
Unfilled only if PR_type = REG and IS_cancel = Y
Cancel_dateString10OFormat : DD/MM/YY
Mandatory if IS_cancel = Y
Cancel_hourString8OFormat : HH:MM:SS
Mandatory if IS_cancel = Y
Funding_referenceString16OOney internal reference of the funding
External_referenceString128OReference of the partner to identify a customer's order
Mandatory for split payments
Transaction_numberString50OOney internal reference of the transaction
Customer_external_codeString128OExternal reference of the customer
Transaction_amountNumber15,2MAmount of the transaction (purchase or cancellation)
Transaction_amount_currencyString3MISO 4217
Example : EUR, GBP
Merchant_contextString50OField for merchant internal use
PSP_contextString50OField for PSP internal use
Installment_numberNumber2OTotal duration of the credit
Payment_delayNumber2ONumber of days deffered in the event of paylater
Commercial_codeString5MUsed to identify the product (Business transaction code)
Funding_amountNumber15,2MAmount of the funding or of the refund
(= transaction_amount in tranfer/direct debit mode, transaction_amount-fees in compensation mode)
Transfer_IdString11MBank transfer reference
Due_dateString10MFormat DD/MM/YYYY
Value date on merchant side
Commission_amountNumber15,2MAmount of fees associated to the funding or refund
Invoice_referenceString11MTechnical reference for the fees' invoice
Merchant_external_IdString10OPoint of sale reference for the merchant
RFUReserved for Future Use
RFUReserved for Future Use
RFUReserved for Future Use
RFUReserved for Future Use
RFUReserved for Future Use

Above board caption:

  • The Len column indicates the maximum length of the field.