
Last update: August 3, 2023

Technical Requirements

Before you begin with the payment module installation and to avoid any issue during or after the installation, it is important to make sure the following requirements are met:

  • Magento v2.0 (higher version will need the 2.1-3 version of this module)
  • PHP 7.2 or higher (this module has been tested on 5.6)

Back-office Configuration

Oney uses the default country of your store. So, it is necessary to check the default country filled in configuration at " Stores" -> "Configuration" -> " General" -> "Country Option" -> " Default Country". It needs to be in the list of supported countries listed above.

For more information : configuration magento

Oney API needs some information about the customer to security from fraud. The name prefix is needed to assure the well-behaviour of the Oney service. The value can be set in Configuration at " Stores" -> "Configuration" -> " Customers" -> " Customer Configuration" -> " Name and Address Options" -> " Prefix Dropdown Options".

This value needs to be "Mr;Mrs;Ms".